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Monday, July 04, 2005

Fishing Report: Black Moshanon Lake

Once again I ventured to Black Moshanon Lake to try my luck with the largemouth bass. Unfortunately, it would have to be a mid day trip with the sun beating down on me and the fish. This time I dragged along two of my trusty fishing buddies for what turned out to be a fairly decent trip. I landed two largemouth with the largest coming in at 18.5”. I also landed a small pickerel and a very aggressive pumpkinseed that attacked my 7” worm. Now that was funny. I dang near yanked the little guy out of his skin! One of my other fishing buds landed a nice 15” largemouth.

I had success with the Yum Dingers on my last trip to the lake and felt confident in the bait so we stuck with it. Once again, due to the thick vegetation the rigging technique of choice was tex-posed finished off with a “skin hook”. No weight was used.

When the sun was shining we focused on thick vegetation near deep water. We also experienced extended periods of clouds when it looked like it may rain. During those times we moved into coves and cast to fish that had moved out from thicker overhead cover to weed beds that were in about 3 feet of water. Two of the largemouth were caught in these shallow weed beds including the big boy of the day.

Sunny with periods of clouds. Air temps in the 80’s.

Water Conditions
Slightly stained. Water temps in mid 60’s.

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