We fished Yum Dingers and Yum Craws tex-posed rigged with a small BB shot. Yum Dinger color was pumpkin/chartreuse and the craw color was pumpkin with metallic green flake. Threw some crankbaits but no hits.
Fishing conditions were excellent. I felt we should have been able to boat more fish but we stuck with a shallow water pattern too long that we thought “should” work. With about an hour of fishing time left, we located a deep water point. The point toped out at about five feet then dropped rapidly into 12 feet of water. Bottom composition was rock. We boated both our fish on this point and had a couple of missed opportunities. I really think this would have been a good pattern if we’d changed up earlier.
We fished the baits mentioned above starting at the shallow part of the point dragging them down over the drop keeping constant contact with the bottom.
Water Conditions
Visibility was 2-3 feet. Water temp not known. Water levels normal and stable.
Weather Conditions
Air temps 75-80 degrees. Sunny.
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